
Measuring chemicals (VOCs), metals, and particles (PM2.5 and PM1.0).

Analyzing settled ash in and around homes.

Coming soon.

Mapping the distribution and transport of fire debris in surface water and stormwater.

Coming soon.

Using our mobile vans to take measurements of chemicals (VOCs), metals, and particulate pollution (PM2.5 and PM1.0) in and around affected areas.

Measuring air/water/dust/soil in homes in and around burn zones. 

Modeling exposures from fire emissions based on the distribution of different fuel stocks in urban and woodland areas.

Characterizing the composition of smoke residues and settled ash in communities downwind. 

Mapping the transport of fire debris in surface water and taking soil samples of affected areas.

Monitoring exposures to professional and resident firefighters.

Data Disclaimer

The data shared on this website are preliminary in nature and are being made available to the public in an effort to provide data as soon as possible. Research is a process and results can change over time based on new data input.  

The data shared on this site is for informational use only and should not replace the advice of a medical professional.


This is a study run by a consortium and as such, no one university or institution is responsible or liable for the data or recommendations presented.


The LA Fire HEALTH study is funded through private philanthropy.