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Preliminary Data Findings: Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality (VOC and PM Levels) in the Burn Zone

The LA Fire HEALTH Study just released its second Data Brief. This brief highlights the presence of VOCs and particles inside damaged homes in the burn area, and advises continued caution for residents entering affected homes.

Key Takeaways from the brief include:

  • Indoor air quality can be lower inside homes that are located in the burn zone, especially in homes that suffered damage, even many weeks after the fire.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been measured inside damaged homes at a level 4-5x higher than outdoors, and VOC and particle levels can spike due to activity in the home (such as cleaning, disturbing ash and dust, turning on HVAC systems, etc.).
  • We recommend continued precautions when in the burn area and especially inside any impacted homes.

You can also read the updated FAQ for more detailed explanations and definitions of the key terms, included PM, VOCs, and what to look for in a respirator or mask.

The Study’s first Data Brief was released on 2/20/25 and featured preliminary data findings of indoor and outdoor air quality in the Palisades and Altadena areas.  


You can view the findings at

For questions about the findings, please email 

For media inquires, please contact Carly Stearnbourne at 

Important disclaimer: The data shared in this brief are preliminary in nature and are being made available to the public in an effort to provide data as soon as possible. Research is a process and results can change over time based on new data input. The data shared on this site is for informational use only and should not replace the advice of a medical professional. This is a study run by a consortium and as such, no one university or institution is responsible or liable for the data or recommendations presented.

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